Cosmetic Contouring
Minor cosmetic issues can sometimes make you feel awkward about your smile. For many people, when they feel awkward about smiling they will opt not to smile as much, and we feel that is a shame! You should always feel comfortable smiling, which is why we at Cassell Dentistry offer tooth reshaping and cosmetic contouring. Dental bonding is another cosmetic service that tends to go hand-in-hand with cosmetic contouring. These procedures are also known as enameloplasty, and with it, we can fix a wide range of minor cosmetic imperfections in your teeth.
As mentioned above, after we have reshaped your teeth they will have less enamel, which is their main defense against tooth decay and the natural wear and tear of chewing. After tooth contouring, we recommend that you brush gently with a soft or extra-soft bristled toothbrush and floss at least once a day. It is important to stress that the brushing action you use should be gentle. Many people believe that a good, firm brushstroke will get your teeth cleaner when in reality a soft touch is more than enough to rid your teeth of the plaque that builds up on them throughout the day. Pushing hard on your toothbrush can score and scratch the enamel on your teeth. Consider a regular fluoride treatment with us as well because fluoride can help to strengthen the enamel of your teeth and protect them from abrasion.
Dental Bonding
Whereas tooth contouring involves removing part of the teeth, dental bonding involves adding to the teeth. We use a special tooth-colored composite resin to add structure to teeth that need to be altered to look natural or more pleasing. The composite resin we use to make dental bonds is the same material we use for tooth-colored fillings. We mix the resin with small particles of glass and plastic to match the color of your teeth perfectly and then prepare your teeth to receive the bond by adding some texture to your tooth. The resin is applied in a claylike consistency to your tooth so that we can shape and mold it accordingly. Once it looks appropriate, we set it in place permanently with a special ultraviolet light.
Dental bonding can be used to fix a wide range of aesthetic issues, from spacing issues to cracked or misshapen teeth. The nice thing about dental bonding is that it doesn’t require us to alter the teeth significantly. Dental bonds should be treated following similar guidelines to those of tooth contouring. Never use your teeth as tools to help open packaging and never chew on hard objects like ice.
Please call us today at 619-220-7475 to schedule an appointment. We look forward to seeing you smile!